Adult Fellowship Groups
Connect with others with similar interests!

Women of Word
2nd and 4th Friday of each month
10 am in Room 7
WOW is a lively community focused on supporting each other, mission projects and the church. The goal for the WOW group is to bring women of different ages and groups together for fellowship, stewardship, and Bible study. All women are welcome.
Current study: We will begin a new study by Adam Hamilton “Half Truths” on February 14th in room 8 at 10 AM. You can purchase the book on Amazon, or Ebay. All women are welcome to join.
For more information, email Trudy Bennett at

Young Adults
Sunday Mornings 10:10-11 am
Various Other Events
Where All Belong, Friendships Thrive, and Faith Comes Alive. This ministry is open to all young adults in their 20s, 30s, and recently graduated 18 and 19-year-olds.
Click here for more information.

Prayer Shawl
2nd Monday from 10 am - 12 pm
4th Monday from 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Join us in our "Stitches from the Heart" ministry! We knit, crochet, and quilt prayer shawls, lap blankets, and hats for those who are experiencing a time where they need to be wrapped in God’s love. Our ministry welcomes all skill levels and we would love to teach anyone who wants to learn how to knit or crochet. Learn more about Prayer Shawl here.
Contact Jenny Rinehart for more info.

Men's Bible Lunch
Wednesdays 12 - 1 pm
At Texican Cafe
Join us for a weekly Bible study in the lunch hour (12-1 pm) led by David Linkletter at the Texican Cafe on Manchaca Road. Registration is not needed.
For more information, please contact Emmett Thomason.

Craft Group
Tuesday from 1 - 4 pm
Wednesday from 9 am - Noon
We create a variety of crafts using materials from wood, to metal, fabrics, beads, paint, and more. All skill levels welcome. Learn more
Join our Facebook Group! For more info, contact Judy Parker (512-971-5293)

Tuesdays 10 am
Thursdays 9 am
The Boomers group is especially for seniors, but all ages ages and fitness levels are welcome! Currently meeting online.
Meeting Online
For more info, contact Trudy at