Care Corps
Care Corps is a ministry of visitation for all people identified with MUMC who are homebound, in nursing homes, hospitalized, or in rehabilitation facilities. The purpose of Care Corps is to provide pastoral care during times of crisis and help people remain connected to the church during times when they are unable to get to church easily or regularly.
We periodically offer training opportunities for those who feel gifted and called to this vital ministry. Care Corps Visitors make as little as one homebound visit per month. Others visit 2 or three people once each month, visit people in the hospital one day a month, or visit hospitals weekly. Some are comfortable in Nursing Home settings and others in homes or hospitals. During training, you will discern how you feel called to serve.

Nancy Piggott will be serving as a trainer and a resource person. If you feel like this ministry is calling to you and you like to learn more, please email Pastor Paul at