Wise Men
Read: Matthew 2:1-12
Watch: Jesus and the Wise Men
Ask: How do you think the magi felt as they were traveling a long way, following a star, without knowing where they would end up?
How do you think they felt when they finally found Jesus?
Play: Follow the Star.
Cut out a star shape from construction paper and let your child add paint or glitter to decorate. Tape the star to the stick. Take turns playing “Follow the Star.” Whoever holds the star is the leader and moves about the house or yard. The leader can jump, hope, skip, walk backwards, march, stand in place and do various movements with your body, while the others copy the leader’s movements.
Serve: The wise men brought three gifts to Jesus. What kind of gifts does Jesus want from us now? To share the love of Jesus with others.
Make some star-shaped cookies to bring to a friend, neighbor, or teacher as a “gift” to Jesus!
Pray: Dear God, Thank you for loving us so much that you gave us Jesus. Help us to seek and follow him. Amen.
Jesus' Baptism
Read: Matthew 3:13-17
Ask: How do you think it felt when Jesus heard God say that he loved him and was happy with him?
How do we show that we love each other?
Play: Watercolor Paint: Paint with watercolors.
Talk about how we use water in everyday life - for drinking, for bathing, for washing clothes and other things. Water is an important part of our everyday life. How neat is it that God chose to use water as a symbol that we belong to God.
Serve: Buy some water bottles and offer them to people that you see on the side of the road as you are driving around time.
Pray: Thank you, God, for claiming us as your beloved children. Amen.
Jesus Calls the First Disciples
Read: Matthew 4:18-22
Watch: Jesus Calls the Disciples
Sing: Fishers of Men by Ms. Kelly (Note: this song uses "men" to mean "all people")
Ask: Why do you think the fishermen wanted to follow Jesus?
Jesus gave the fishermen a new job - to fish for people! What do you think that means? (Find people who also want to follow Jesus!)
Play: Fish Tag.
Jesus says that we can fish for people - find people to follow him. Play a game of tag. One person is the fisherman and the others are the fish. When the fisherman tags a fish, they become a fisherman, too! Keep playing until everyone has been tagged.
Serve: Invite someone to learn about Jesus with you.
They can join you for a chapel time at home or come with you to church!
Pray: Thank you, God, for loving us so much. You have called us and we will follow you. Amen.