Craft Group
Who are we?
The Craft Group creates a variety of crafts (both seasonal and for the whole year) using materials from wood, to metal, fabrics, beads, paint, and more. All skill levels are welcome to participate. Items are sold throughout the year, and proceeds go to supporting different organizations both within and surrounding the church.
When do we meet?
Tuesday from 1 - 4 pm
Wednesday from 9 am - Noon
Meetings are in the Craft Room (Located next to the Fellowship Hall — there is an outside entrance with two ramps leading up to it, located between the east parking lot and FLC)
What's coming up?
Annual Craft Show
Saturday November 16, 9 am-3 pm
Sunday November 17, 8:30 am-1 pm
Community Support in 2023
In 2022, we were able to serve the following parts of our community:
Meals on Wheels
Salvation Army
Safe Place
Brown Santa
Family Eldercare Fan Drive
Habitat for Humanity
MUMC Trustees
PAWS Shelter of Central Texas
Coats for Kids
Hays ISD Clothes Closet
Austin VA Clinic
Temple Veteran's Home
Central Texas Food Bank
MUMC College Care packages
Austin Humane Society
Confirmand's Bibles
Church Electric bills
VBS and CDC Advent activities
Menchaca Backpack ministry
Custodial Appreciation
Grief Share