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The words "Families in Mission" on top of a light blue compass with multicolored hand prints in a ring aorund the edge

Families in Mission

We believe that loving and serving others is an important part of discipleship. We show our love for God in how we love others. Therefore we seek opportunities to involve children in loving our neighbors through acts of service and justice. 

Upcoming Mission Projects

Book Drive

Book Drive

Every Sunday in June we'll be collecting new and gently used children's books (for all ages). These books will be distributed through our Food Pantry along with bookmarks made by MUMC children and youth. As families come in to shop, they'll be welcomed into a waiting room where they will be checked in, and children will be invited to pick out a book to take home! This is a great opportunity for children to share from their own collection! Please make sure that books are in good condition.

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Families Can Serve Any Time

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We'll be heading to Camp Firelight on July 8-11, 2024! There will be plenty of ways to help us get ready in June and July. For now, make sure you're registered to join us! 


CLICK HERE to learn more!

Contact Ms. Kim with any questions.

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Worship Gear

Help Ms. Kim clean and prep the worship gear shelves. Come up to church or take supplies home. Sharpen pencils and refill bags and straighten out the books and other supplies on the shelf!


Contact: Ms. Kim

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Join our MUMC Prayer Chain and pray as a family for those in need! You might spend 5 minutes a day praying over the concerns of your church family, or you can make it a weekly devotional activity!


Contact: Leslie Piggott


Write notes for people on our prayer list or who are sick, in the hospital or have other needs. Children can draw pictures, make cards, or write notes of encouragement.


Contact: Nancy Zaloga


Manchaca United Methodist Church is a dynamic suburban church located in south Austin.  We are making new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!



P.O. Box 460

Manchaca, TX 78652


1011 FM 1626 

Manchaca, TX 78652

PHONE:  512-282-7274


Keep up with us on social media:

  • podcast
  • YouTube
  • SoundCloud
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