Music & Fine Arts
At Manchaca UMC, we believe the Arts are a language of Faith with in the Church, a language of outreach from the Church to the world, and a means of attracting others to the Faith. Our Music & Fine Arts Ministry consists of many different areas and opportunities for involvement including vocal, instrumental, drama, art, & more. We are blessed with many talented people, however, we are always seeking to develop and involve new people of all ages.
For more information about the Fine Arts Ministry or any of the ensembles, contact Mark Hixon at 512-282-7274, ext. 325 or Mark@ManchacaUMC.org
Sanctuary Choir
6:45 pm
The choir usually sings during the Traditional service every Sunday. The choir normally presents a cantata at Christmas and a special program during Holy Week.
Rehearses 6:45 – 8:00 pm Wednesday in the choir room.

Glory Bells
7:00 pm
Handbell choir rings at least quarterly in worship and for special seasonal music presentations.
Rehearses 7 - 8:00 pm Thursdays in the Bell Room.

Praise Band
6:30 pm
Select worship ministry team of vocalists and instrumentalists leads the Modern Worship service in the Family Life Center.
The band practices on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.
For audition information, contact Jen Romero.

Children's Choirs
Currently not meeting in the summer
4:30-5:30 pm
The Psalmist tells us all to "Praise the Lord!" Praising the Lord is just one of the things children explore through Children's Choirs. Children will have the opportunity to learn songs about faith, play games, play instruments, make crafts and even share in a special snack once in a while. Parents are invited to stay and listen!
Begins September 10, Sign Up Now
For children age 3 - grade 5
Women's Ensemble
Currently not meeting
The Women’s ensemble is open to any woman high school age or older and sing specials in worship 2 to 3 times a year.
Rehearsals are usually scheduled on Wednesdays from 6 to 6:40 pm, and the director is Koma Donworth.
Godspring Youth Choir
Currently not meeting
Open to all middle school and high school youth. The choir participates in both our contemporary and traditional services.
Rehearsals are usually at 2 pm on Sundays, and the director is Glenna Bowman.