Members and Friends of Manchaca UMC,
This is an invitation from your clergy, staff, and Church Council to join us in a special season of financial stewardship as Manchaca UMC celebrates 150 years in ministry. As we draw closer to September 22 and the Big 150 Celebration, please prayerfully consider your financial gift to keep Manchaca UMC strong and moving forward in ministry for the years to come.
We have identified three areas of major expenditure which need to be financed with special giving. The flyer below shows these needs as they have been prioritized by your Church Council. They include a new brick and mortar church sign, major repairs to the East parking lot, and repair or replacement to HVAC systems. We have an opportunity here and now to address some facility needs we have deferred for several years.
Over the next two weeks, please join in praying for our church, its ministry and mission, and all of our neighbors both near and far. Pray that in the leading Spirit of God’s Grace, we may utilize the energy developed in this 150 year celebration to launch us into this stewardship. Each gift is important. Each giver is significant in this effort.
Laura and I make our special gift in honor of ministers who have served this congregation over the 150 years. Included in that group is my uncle Rev. Warren Ellis who served in the years during WWII.
Join us for the September 22 worship service and congregational meal (learn more). Make your gift in person or use our online giving platform (learn more). Join us!
Pastor Paul
