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Crafting a Better World

MUMC 150 History Committee

When I first walked into the MUMC Craft Group it was a beehive of activity in my want-to-be artist heaven. Bins filled with beautifully crocheted blankets and such were stored with adorable statues and signs painted with love. The sewing machine buzzed happily as a member connected quilt squares one minute and made floor turtles the next. As I sat back in awe, I was presented with corks from wine bottles and asked to make some Christmas ornaments from them. I was wondering, “How in the world will I do this?” when they showed me an almost endless supply of paint, wire, tools, yarn, fabric, and a closet filled with fabric, wooden objects, jewelry making supplies, and knitting looms. Obviously, with the members' talents and desire to do good in this world it seems nothing is beyond their purview.

So how in the world did all this come about? In 1974, Pat Lamar founded the group and talked Manchaca UMC into letting Elma Griner, Eva Payne, Eleanor Smith, Mary Repp, Louise Holcomb, Charlotte Williams, Chris Brown, and Thelma Berg use the enclosed carport of the old church parsonage which was conveniently physically connected to MUMC on the northwest side of our building. The church also allowed them to hold a bazaar to sell their products. So what would the church expect from the Craft Group? They only needed to spend their earnings on charity and support for the church and the community and wow have they. In the last 40 years, the Craft Group has made and donated $176,194.35. Organizations such as Coats for Kids, Food Bank, MUMC Pantry, Habitat For Humanity, Methodist Build, Akins High School, Menchaca Elementary School, Paredes Middle School, Hays CISD Clothes Closet, US Veterans, Blue and Brown Santa, PAWS, MUMC Choir, MUMC Christian Education, etc. have received money and handmade supplies over the years.

But what makes me beam with pride is the men and women of all ages who have worked tirelessly over all these years are not all from this church. Some travel great distances to contribute supplies, time, and labor to our group. I have often felt the power of the Holy Spirit moving through this awesome group as they provide loving service to the surrounding communities.

Oh, my, and let me not forget the awesome customers who show up year after year and purchase our products with lovely smiles on their faces. Their friendship and support mean the world to us. We could accomplish nothing without their constant help.

Currently, the Craft Group is busy preparing for our 49th annual craft bazaar in November. We are bursting at the seams with new items just waiting for you. Donations are welcome anytime, be it monetary or supplies. We also welcome new members of all ages and skill levels. Jump in and test the waters.

~MUMC Sesquicentennial Committee

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Manchaca United Methodist Church is a dynamic suburban church located in south Austin.  We are making new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!



P.O. Box 460

Manchaca, TX 78652


1011 FM 1626 

Manchaca, TX 78652

PHONE:  512-282-7274


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