As we approach the holiday season, your church continues to focus on our mission of feeding the hungry and helping the less fortunate in our community. We ask that you continue to open your hearts and wallets to make this happen. During the month of November, we are focusing on our annual food drive. There are several ways to contribute and we appreciate your donations large, small, and anything in between.
Here are some ways you can help the Food Pantry this November:
Donate unexpired canned & non-perishable food items, toilet paper, paper towels, baby wipes, bath soap, dish soap & personal hygiene items. There are drop off locations at the east entrance to the church, hospitality area & in the CDC. You can also drop off during food pantry hours from 9-11 am on Saturdays.
Donate a $25 HEB gift card. In an effort to continue to provide a special holiday gift to our food pantry recipients while controlling costs, we are planning to provide a limited number of gift cards in lieu of the traditional holiday food bags. You can help to make a needy family’s Thanksgiving or Christmas meal special in this way. Simply purchase a gift card next time you are at any HEB and drop it off at the church office. You can also make a donation by check & mark it Holiday Gift Card on the memo line & place in the collection plate or basket on Sunday. The cards will be distributed during food pantry hours on Saturdays beginning on November 4th.
Simply donate any amount via check to the church and mark it on the memo line Food Pantry.
Our food pantry continues to exist and do good work for our community because of your generosity. Without your support, the future of our food pantry and other important church missions is uncertain. Please continue to give whatever you can. Thank you!