Greetings Church,
As we celebrate 150 years of ministry and mission at Manchaca United Methodist Church, we begin this month with an opportunity for the congregation and friends to pray together. We can think of no better way to begin the celebration as we discern God's voice for this church and God's preferred future for our ministry. So, we are inviting you to celebrate with us by participating in a prayer vigil during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which is January 18-25, 2024. Everyone in the church is invited to pray!
Pastor Paul will emphasize the call to prayer this Sunday January 14 at both worship services in his sermon from 1 Samuel 3:1-10. Listening to God's voice is a major part of this scripture story as young Samuel does not yet know the voice of God. The elder Eli knows God's voice and helps Samuel respond to God's call with the words, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening." Listening to God's voice in our current world of media saturation and loud rhetoric often requires dedicated prayer time. This is why we need you to help us in the prayer vigil. God's voice may speak in ways not yet heard by clergy, staff, and lay leadership.
Each of us has an opportunity to pray for Christian Unity in the world, in our country, in our denomination, and in our community. There has been too much division among Jesus followers. Let us pray for each other and for our churches as we seek God's call for the ministries and mission of local churches like ours. As we offer our prayers, let us also take time to listen for God's voice. And please make note of what you are hearing. We want to know!
During the eight day time window, we will have daily opportunities to represent the church in prayer. We have divided the daily prayer time into 30 minute sessions between the hours of 06:00 (6 am) and 24:00 (Midnight). Sign up for as many sessions as you want. Maybe sign up for the same time each day or for a series of days.
A sign up genius online sign up form will be available for us in signing up to pray. Also, we will have manual signup charts or clip board sheets on Sunday in both worship locations. Pastor Paul will remind us in the Invitation to Discipleship segment as we close the worship services. We will make this opportunity available for the full eight days with several email reminders to the church.
Thank you for being a part of this faith community and its ministry and mission. Let us pray!
Sign up:
Devotional Guide:
(Hard copies will also be available on Sunday morning)