Hi friends,
As we began this sermon series Do Unto Others, the first theme was loving kindness. Part of the “how to share” kindness was presented in five points for effective conversation (constructive dialogue) between ourselves and others. Whether friend or foe, face to face communication with these considerations can make a difference in how we live out our lives following Jesus. How we treat each other is important.
Re-read Luke 6:27-36 and then consider these tools:
Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade
Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship
Lexington Theological Seminary
Book: The Purple Zone
articulate boundaries for civil behavior along with reminders of our trust and respect among those in our churches and communities.
encourage the sharing of stories to humanize the difficult issues with which we
are grappling.
listen deeply and reflectively.
move beyond negative generalizations and stereotypes about the side with
which we disagree.
see how God is working – even within the complexity of our most difficult
issues – to bring about new life and renewed hope.
Along the Way
Pastor Paul