In 2024, MUMC celebrated its 150 Year Anniversary as a church. As part of the celebration, we shared stories from our history online, in the newsletter, and in the bulletins throughout the year.
Now, these stories are available all together in one easy-to-read location. Physical versions of these history books will be available in worship areas and the visitor welcome desk, and you can also download a digital version here. Also included in this book is some of the artwork that can be seen around the church, the history of the Food Pantry, and photos from the 150 Celebration on September 22, 2024.
Digital Download:
Please be aware that some stories may span more than one page.
Print Version:
This version has jumbled pages that will print into a booklet form and is not recommended for digital reading. It was created to fit on legal paper (8.5x14).
Thank you for celebrating 150 years with us! We hope you'll join us as we move into the future.