Imagine a woman sitting alone in her upstairs bedroom alone and suffering from the pain of a recent surgery when the doorbell rings. She hears the sound of her husband’s footsteps as he goes to greet the caller. The sounds of happy laughter floats up the stairwell accompanied by the closing of the door. Minutes later he is standing in the bedroom doorway with a large plastic bag grinning from ear to ear. When he hands her the package, she opens it to find a beautifully crocheted shawl with a note that it has been made and prayed over by a group of ladies from her church. As she wraps it over her shoulders, she is filled with a comfort and peace that radiates throughout her being for she knows someone cares.
The scenario above happens quite often due to the efforts of the generous MUMC congregation and a group of tireless knitters and crocheters who began the Prayer Shawl Ministry around 2015. Two MUMC members were inspired by the Hartford Seminary group as did churches nationwide. Later, the minister took interest and found a person interested in forming a group. Thus was formed the prayer shawl ministry renamed Stitches From the Heart (SFH).
SFH prayerfully makes shawls and other paraphernalia. When a person has a need such as the loss of a loved one, surgery, a new baby, or personal grief, the group donates. There is no cost. Often the yarns are donated by members of the congregation and the community. The church gives them a place to meet and store the finished products.
Membership has varied from seven to fifteen. Some know how to knit, crochet, or quilt and some come wanting to learn. There are no designated trainers, but there is always someone to help the new person gain the skills they need.
When a prayer shawl is finished, the group blesses it by the “laying of hands” before being placed in a large ziplock bag along with a colorful pamphlet describing the SFH’s mission.
Making a prayer shawl, baby blanket, lap robe, etc. provides a special opportunity to act as the hands of Christ by crafting a mantle as a soft haven which envelops the receiver in God’s love.
If you are interested in joining, call Jennifer Rinehart at 757-560-6899 or email jenny.rinehart08@gmail.com
~MUMC Sesquicentennial Committee