Hi friends,
As we celebrate this church’s ministry over the last 150 years, we give thanks for those persons who helped dream, plan, frame, and build the congregation and its ministry. We are the beneficiaries of many generous hearts and minds who gathered for worship and fellowship over the years.
Looking beyond the local church, I also give thanks for the people and the movement of “The People Called Methodists.” Certainly the Holy Spirit moved in the lives of those coming to the United States in the 1700s. And since, many movements in grace have shaped our doctrine and polity.
I speak here about current movements of the Holy Spirit in our polity. The organization of churches and structures within the United Methodist Church continues to transform as current times call for current changes. Recent changes made at General Conference not only modified our discipline for stronger inclusion, changes were also made to how our organizational structure will oversee our ministries.
Specifically, I am referring to a reduction of the number of Bishops assigned in the five jurisdictions within the United States. We are moving from 39 active bishops to 32 active bishops. This in part is the reason our resident Bishop Robert Schnase voluntarily offered his early retirement as of August 31. This enabled our South Central Jurisdiction to meet its new requirements of five active bishops.
Two changes to our UMC organizational structure are happening now worth bringing to your attention.
Jurisdictions were created when northern and southern Methodists came together again in 1939. To keep separate the election and service of bishops, geographical boundaries were created to separate five areas of the Methodists in the United States. Bishops could only be assigned in the jurisdiction in which they were elected. A new collaboration in the Holy Spirit has opened the way for two current bishops to oversee annual conferences outside their elected jurisdictions.
Secondly, annual conferences are merging or being coupled so that fewer Bishops may oversee the five jurisdictions in the United States. Our annual conference, the Rio Texas Conference, is being coupled with the Texas Conference. Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey will oversee both annual conferences. It is anticipated that some synergy may arise because of this change. Cross conference appointments of ministers may result at a higher level than previous years. District ministries collaboration should increase along our conference boundaries.
Structural collaboration within the church may not be an exciting topic for most of you. So if you are still reading, thank you! Times are changing and I am happy to report that the Holy Spirit is moving. Praise be to God. I await new conversations in the collaboration of ministry and our church organization.
Along the Way
Pastor Paul
