2024 MUMC
Open September 30
Selling Hours
Monday - Thursday: 2 pm - Dark
Friday - Sunday: Noon - Dark
Visitors are welcome to come to the patch at any time (it's a great spot for photos), but pumpkin sales will only be available during those hours.
Field Trips
We invite local preschool and elementary schools to bring their classrooms to the pumpkin patch for a Storytime in the Patch field trip. Kids can tour the patch, take pictures, and pick out a small pumpkin to take home ($1/each). We provide a storyteller who will read age-appropriate fall and pumpkin picture books. We are open for field trips weekday mornings Oct. 7 - Oct. 19. Please email Kim@ManchacaUMC.org to sign up.
If you'd like to sign up to be a storyteller or a helper during a Stories in the Patch Field Trip, please click below. (Books and other resources provided.)

Where to Find Us
To see a map of how to reach us from 1626, click here, or you can use Google:
Help Unload!
The more hands we have helping, the faster (and easier) it is! We will have jobs for everyone, of all ages and abilities, so everyone is welcome to come and help put the Pumpkin Patch together!
We will make hot dogs and potato chips for those who are able to come help unload, decorate, and maybe even sell! Please let us know everyone who will be attending in your party so we can ensure enough food!

October 5, 12-4 pm: Craft Group Selling
The Craft Group will be selling pumpkins and fall crafts. This is a great chance to get some cute fall decorations while you get your pumpkins!
October 11, 6 pm: Movies in the Patch
Starting at 6 pm, we'll be in the patch waiting for the sun to go down and doing some fun pumpkin activities. Then, at 7:30 pm, we'll be watching a movie.
October 19, 3 - 5 pm: Fall Festival!
Our annual Fall Festival has games, treats, and a huge Trunk or Treat! Wear your costumes and come have a great time.
Pumpkin Patch Playlist
Here are some activities that can help you celebrate the diversity of God's creation through our Pumpkin Patch!
Watch: The Legend of Spookley
Make: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds or Pumpkin Pasta
Fun in the Patch: Pumpkin Patch Scavenger Hunt
Fun at Home: 12 No-Carve Ways to Decorate Your Pumpkin
Listen: The Pumpkin Life-Cycle Song
I Wonder...
What are some of your favorite things that God made?
Think about all the different kinds of pumpkins we saw in the patch, and all the different types of flowers we see in Spring, and all the different types of animals in the world, I wonder what does God's creation say about God?
God used the words "good" and "very good" to describe God's creation. I wonder what words you would use to describe God's creation?
I wonder what it means to be created in the image of God? What does it mean for you to be made in the image of God? What does it mean that all people (all shapes, sizes, colors, interests, etc.) are made in the image of God?