What is Stephen Ministry?
Life sometimes challenges us in very deep and personal ways, and it is important to know that we are not alone and that someone cares about us enough to support and pray for us. Stephen Ministry equips lay persons to provide distinctively Christian, one-to-one care to anyone in our congregation or community who is going through a difficult time. Below you will find information that will help you make an informed decision about receiving care from a Stephen Minister.
Who is a is Stephen Minister?
A Christian who walks beside a person who is hurting.
A carefully selected layperson, who has received 50 hours of training in providing emotional and spiritual care.
A caring, Christian friend who listens, cares, makes no judgments, prays, supports, and encourages.
Someone who will meet faithfully with you, for about one hour each week, for as long as there is need.
A trustworthy person who adheres to very clear guidelines of confidentiality.
How Stephen Ministers Can Care for You
Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people who are:
Grieving the death of a loved one
Hospitalized or recovering from hospitalization
Lonely or discouraged
Coping with a terminal illness or caring for a family member with a terminal illness.
Unemployed or in a job crisis
Disabled or caring for an ill or disabled family member
Moving or relocating
New to the congregation or the community
Anticipating the birth or adoption of a child
Home-bound or institutionalized
Transitioning into retirement
Dealing with the crisis of aging
Facing a life transition
Experiencing a spiritual crisis
Victims of a disaster or accident
When is Stephen Ministry not a good fit?
People coping with emotional and physical burdens may be in need of professional care.
Stephen ministers are not therapists. Care receivers under the care of a mental health professional must receive permission of that professional in order to be assigned a Stephen Minister.
Stephen Ministers do not run errands or provide meals. They are not problem solvers, but focus on a ministry of listening, help, and giving support.
Stephen Ministers are not service providers. They are care givers, not cure givers.