Meet and Greet with Our New Pastor — January 12
Join us during the Sunday School hour (10:10-11 am) in the Fellowship Hall on January 12 to meet our new senior pastor, John Feagins, and his family. You can learn more about him here.
Annual Chili Cook-Off — February 2
Competitors and food lovers alike are invited to our annual Cook-Off! This year we are having 2 cook-off categories: Chili/Soup and Pie. You can participate in one or both of these competitions, or you can just come, eat and be a judge! Click here to learn more.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper — March 4
Join us for the annual Pancake Supper, this year benefitting our upcoming mission trip to Belize. This year, we'll also be playing Bingo! Learn more about the event and buy your tickets here.

January Book Drive
Have you set a resolution this year to clean out clutter from your house? As you are cleaning up, please bring your new and gently used children's books to the church in January! Each child who comes to our Food Pantry is invited to take home a book to read! Please help us stock our book shelf with board books, picture books and chapter books!
Food Pantry
Our food pantry is a vital ministry that runs on the love and dedication of volunteers. We’re always in need of more helpers to keep it going strong. Whether you can lend a hand on a Thursday or a Saturday, your time and effort make a real difference.

Special worship events will occur in both services unless otherwise specified.
Pastor John's First Sermon — January 19
Joining Sunday — February 16
Breakfast Church — February 23 at 9 am
Ash Wednesday Worship — Wed. March 5

Discipleship Pathways
This three-week class led by Associate Pastor Chansin Esparza is offered three times a year for people who are new or new-ish to the church and are wanting to explore next steps to deeper community and further involvement.
Supper Friends
What is involved in being a part of the Manchaca Supper Friends? You will get placed into a group of 8 where you'll commit to participating in four dinners together this year (about once a quarter). Together, you'll eat together and enjoy the company! As Scripture says, when we gather together in his name, Jesus is with us! The deadline to sign up is February 9.
Learn more about all available Bible Study Opportunities:

Join us for the season leading up to Easter. There will be opportunities for worship, prayer, study, and fellowship. Lent will begin with our Ash Wednesday service on March 4.