Our church has a lot of exciting things going on, but we can only do it with your help! These are some ways you can get involved with us.
Sanctuary Care
This is a small, but important job, which will only take about an hour a week. This task involves straightening the hymnals, bibles and other materials — pencils, prayer cards & giving envelopes — which are contained in the sanctuary pew pockets. You might need to fold envelopes or to cut and fold prayer cards occasionally. You will also maintain the Upper Room rack in the narthex.
When: at your availability
Who to Contact: Please call the Main Office at (512) 282-7274 or email officeadmin@manchacaumc.org
Families in Mission
We believe that loving and serving others is an important part of discipleship. We show our love for God in how we love others. Therefore we seek opportunities to involve children in loving our neighbors through acts of service and justice. More information on all of these events can be found on the Families in Mission page.
When: Varies
Where: Varies
Who to Contact: You can find more information here, and if you have questions you can email kim@manchacaumc.org
Sunday School
In order to provide Sunday School every week for our children and youth, we need adults who can lead! If you feel called to fulfill this need, we would love to hear from you.
When: Sundays, 10:15 - 11 am
Where: Varies
Who to Contact: Email Ms. Kim at kim@manchacaumc.org
Office Volunteers
Right now, our main office is being managed by a set of volunteers. We have people in the room Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 2 pm, but we want to build a list of people who can fill in when a regular is out.
Get to know our current volunteers here!
Office volunteers will answer the phones, greet and assist persons seeking church office support, and help with small jobs in the office. The goal is to have coverage of the receptionist desk Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, which can be split into shifts among several people. You may also be required to walk down the hall to let people into the building who have called the office in advance.
Where: The Main Office
When: Monday - Thursday 9 am - 2 pm
When we need a substitute and at your availability
Who to Contact: Please call the Main Office at (512) 282-7274
Or email officeadmin@manchacaumc.org